On Thursday, I was going to write a Random post to share Halloween pictures but that didn't happen either.
On Friday, I was going to give you a little run down on sewing and what not that happened this week.
Here we are on Saturday and I've already washed and fold 3 loads of laundry with 3 more to go but I thought I'd take a few minutes to share the fun stuff I've managed to do this week.
The beginning of the week was spend finishing up little bits of Halloween costumes including making a Princess crown, installing snaps and buttons on overalls for Mario.

My mom made this little stinker's costume for me. I don't have much
practice with anything but cotton and I don't have anywhere local to
buy more fabric. She sent me the blue fabric for my son's Mario
overalls and I used a pattern I already had.
I've also started working on new quilt that will hopefully be a Christmas present for my husband. I've asked him before if he wanted his own quilt and his response was "What would I do with it?" But being stationed aboard a bouy tender keeps him away from home quite a bit and I thought it might be nice if he could take a bit of home with him.
I finished up my Idea Pouch from Michelle Patterns, which I knew I needed after seeing the one Jennifer made. I was pleasantly surprised how quickly it came together. My only changes were to the number of pen slots and the use of home decor weight fusible interfacing. The pattern calls for fusible fleece but I didn't have any and since I didn't really need it to be padded, I made do with what I had. I plan to make a few more for Christmas present!

(Please excuse all the Instagram photos...the weather here hasn't been conducive to good picture taking.)
Hi! You are the winner of the Bundle from My Fabric Store @swimbikequilt.com. Send me an email and I'll get your address! swimbikequilt at gmail dot com. thanks-katie