
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Since I'm #notgoingtosewingsummit

It doesn't actually seem like that I'll get to attend Sewing Summit anytime in the next 4 years but I wish I could!  I feel like I so much I want to learn and what better place than being surrounds by other that have that same desire.

Anyway, I've been posting on Instagram with the #notgoingtosewingsummit tag and it's fun to see what those of us who aren't able to go are up to this weekend.

Here are the pictures I post on Instagram (you can find me @acreativemama)

 Bought crown making supplies and Simply Color charm packs at my LQS.
I made a trip to my LQS for crown making supplies and came home with a couple of Simply Color charm packs.

 Charm squares cut and almost ready to mail.
I got my charm squares cut for the I heart Kona Charm Swap.  They'll go in the mail Monday.

Drinking tea and quilting since I'm #notgoingtosewingsummit. 
It's been quite rainy so I drank tea while quilting this really fun diamond quilt.   It's done and waiting for me to decide what color binding I want on it.
Edges trimmed, time to pick binding fabric and get this done because I'm #notgoingtosewingsummit.
Pulled out the Halloween fabric for my #labelcrew project.
The Halloween Mug Mat pattern and labels arrived from my Sweetwater Label Crew subscription.  So I pulled out the Halloween fabric and have the tops done.  Just have to find some batting scraps that are the right size.
I'd finish them but the kids are getting hungry....
And today while waiting at the tire place for my studded (!) tire to be put on I worked on a square for my Fusion Blanket.
Crocheting while I wait for my studded tires to be put on because I'm #notgoingtosewingsummit

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you won't be going. BUt it looks like you're getting a lot done! I love the mugmats. I saw them on another blog, too. And I want to try a fusion blanket, but haven't started yet. Too many things on my "I want to make _________" list!!


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Lickety Split