Hello! How are you? Are you excited to see all the wonderful blocks for the first month of the Clementine Quilt Along? I can't wait to take a look at the block made by all the other fantastic blogger that are part of sharing this project with you!
As you can see I couldn't stop taking pictures of these blocks. They were fun and quick to sew together! I'd love to hear what you think of these block and please let me know if you are going to sew along. I'd love to cheer you on!
If you'd like to make you own then to hop over to the Fat Quarter Shop for the pattern. The pattern is free but if you'd like to help, the Fat Quarter Shop is accepting donations through this link for St. Jude Children's Hospital.
*April of
April Rosenthal (@amrosenthal)
Bonnie of
Sunset Family Living (@sunsetfamilyliving)
Cara of
That Crafty Cara (@thatcraftycara)
Carrie of Moda Cutting Table (@modafabrics)
Denise of
Pieced Brain (@piecedbrain)
Elise of
Elise and Emelie (@eliseandemelie)
Gina of
Carpe Quiltin (@gina_tell_carpequiltin)
Heather of
A Creative Pursuit (@acreativemama)
Hilary of
By Hilary Jordan (@byhilaryjordan)
Jan of
Cocoa Quilts (@cocoaquilts)
Jen of
Heritage Threads (@heritage.threads)
Joanne of
Quilts by Joanne (@turtlequilterjo)
Kairle of
Kairle Oaks Handcrafted Goodness (@kairleoaks)
Kendra of
Good Starter (@good_starter)
Kristen of
3 in the Nest (@threeinthenestraleigh)
Kristina of
Center Street Quilts (@centerstreetquilts)
Leah of
Ponderings from My Heart (@ponderingsfrommyheart)
Melanie of
A Bit of Scrap Stuff (@mellierc)
Melissa of
Happy Quilting (@happyquiltingmc)
Pat of
Pat Sloan (@quilterpatsloan)
Pat B. of Life in the
Scrapatch (@scrapatches)
Patty of
Elm Street Quilts (@elmstreetquilts)
Rebecca of
One Wee Bird (@oneweebird)
Sarah of
123 Quilt (@123quilt)
Seema of
SSK Craft Shop (@sskcraftshop)
Sherri of
A Quilting Life (@aquiltinglife)
Sondra of
Out of the Blue Quilts (@sondradavison)
Stephanie of
Quilt 'n Party (@quiltnparty)
Tanya of
Tanya Quilts in CO (@tanyaquiltsinco)
Teresa of
Aurea's Kitchen (@aureaskitchen)
Vickie of
Crocheting Vixen (@crochetingvixen)
I was hoping someone would this quilt along in solids! Your blocks look great!
ReplyDeleteThanks Stephanie! I loved the fabrics used in the orginial but just felt the pull to work with solids for this project! I'm head over heels for how these first blocks turned out!